
发布者: [发表时间]:2023-05-10 [来源]: [浏览次数]:

2023年第八届网络智能与数字内容国际会议(2023 8th International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content, IC-NIDC2023)将于2023年11月3-5日在北京召开,大会主席由北京邮电大学郭军教授、北京市大数据中心张琳教授、日本东北大学Nei Kato教授和韩国汉阳大学Joon-Hyuk Chang教授共同担任;程序委员会主席由北京邮电大学杨洁教授、韩国汉阳大学Sung Ho Cho教授、英国萨里大学Yi-zhe Song教授共同担任。会议将围绕AI-driven Innovations, Beyond 5G and 6G Communications, Innovative Multimedia, Reliability, Survivability and Security, Internet of Things等议题深入研究和探讨,为本领域的专家、学者和包括大学生、研究生在内的其他研究人员提供一个学术交流的平台,以促进相关技术和产业的发展。本次会议的主题是“AI & ICT for Connected Future”。


A. AI-driven Innovations

l Machine Learning in AI Era

l Computational Medicine

l Data-driven modeling, understanding, and patterns mining

l AI & Remote sensing

l AI generated content

B. Beyond 5G and 6G Communications

l mmWave, Massive MIMO, THz communication networks

l Device-to-Device communications and autonomous vehicles

l Datacenter, edge and fog computing/networking

l Aero-Space-Ground-Ocean Integrated Networking for 6G

l Application-Flexible Networking: Towards Evolving SDN

C. Innovative Multimedia

l Music, image, video, text etc. generation

l Sensor array and multichannel signal processing

l Image, video and multidimensional signal processing

l Multimodal data fusion

l Metaverse and Web3

D. Reliability, Survivability and Security

l AI safety, security and privacy

l Performance and QoS in cloud computing

l Information security and privacy

l Interference management and mitigation

l Blockchain performance and implementation

E. Internet of Things (IoT)

l IoT paradigms, systems, components, architectures, applications

l Artificial Intelligence enabled IoT

l Edge AI/edge computing

l IoT-enhanced AR/VR/MR and Metaverse

l Industrial Internet of Things


E-mail: nidc2023@bupt.edu.cn




定稿上传:   2023720

会议时间:   202311月3~5
